воскресенье, 20 ноября 2016 г.

Using Makefile with MSVC on example of libsqlite3_unicode

Cygwin Makefile can be used for building C programs with Visual Studio C compiler in simple regular way without .sln files.

Here I have an examaple on GitHub: https://github.com/Zensey/sqlite3_unicode
It is an minimized extension w/o external dependencies, which adds support of Unicode to sqlite3 used for search and sort operations with non-latin strings.

To build this extension under Windows platform simply run make in Cygwin terminal or run mk.cmd. Below you can see how this Makefile is arranged. Note, that variable M is used to set target architecture of executable object.

вторник, 8 ноября 2016 г.

Setup Syncthing as a service on Windows

To setup and start Syncthing as a service:
- download Syncthing, unpack
- download nssm.exe and put it into directory of syncthing
- put syncthing-svc-setup-win32.bat script into directory of syncthing
- run syncthing-svc-setup-win32.bat as Administrator