понедельник, 3 октября 2016 г.

How to enumerate serial ports using Setup API (win32)

For me using setupapi is the most strait-forward method to retrieve a list of serial ports on Windows.
I should note, that this code works well on XP and higher.

Example of output:

I'm going to offer this code to guys of node-serialport, because current method doesn't work well on some setups with antivir.

Update: The patch is ready https://github.com/Zensey/node-serialport/commit/b4c8e830d248c4f7e3be0fd0d2cd56a18159f2d9

1. https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/vstudio/en-US/2555943e-0c69-4357-a85b-d6540bcaaf84/using-setupapi-to-return-all-guiddevclassdisplay?forum=vcgeneral
2. http://stackoverflow.com/a/3439805
3. https://gist.github.com/Zensey/7bd7781a28d6be306be5cdd70539dc65

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