вторник, 22 августа 2017 г.

SMPP for Go developers and not only

FAQ about SMPP
  1. Q: How to get notification on subscriber availability using HLR

    An ESME may use the set_dpf parameter [in the submit_sm] to request the setting of a delivery pending flag (DPF) for certain delivery failure scenarios, such as MS [i.e. Mobile Station] unavailability (as indicated by the HLR). The MC [i.e. Message Center] should respond to such a request with an alert_notification PDU when it detects that the destination MS has become available. For more information see https://www.activexperts.com/sms-component/sms/smpptlv/
  2. Q: Каковы преимущества использования SMPP

  3. - стандартный протокол (не придется переписывать бек-энд при смене SMS-шлюза)
    - асинхронность, высокая пропускная способность
    - отправка сообщений происходит практически мгновенно
    - оперативная доставка статуса доставки и ошибок и бОльшая информативность,
    точность времени доставки до минуты
    - возможность проверка номера и дислокации абонента при помощи HLR-запроса (напр. есть такие ошибки как "Абонент не существует", "Абонент не в сети", "Абонент заблокирован")

  4. Q: What are the advantages of SMPP

  5. - This is a standard industrial protocol, no need to rewrite back-end if you move to another SMPP provider / ESME
    - Asynchrony, high throughput
    - Sending messages is almost instantaneous
    - Prompt delivery of delivery status, submit errors are more informative, delivery time accuracy up to a minute
    - The ability to check the number and location of the subscriber using HLR-request (eg there are such errors as "Subscriber does not exist", "Subscriber is offline", "Subscriber is blocked")

  6. Q: How to get ESME status of sent message immediately / SMPP implementaion by fiorix.

  7. sm, err = c.tx.Submit(m)
    if err == nil {
        log.Println("Send > ID:", sm.RespID())
    } else {
        log.Println("Send > err", c.err)
        if sm != nil {
            s:= uint32(sm.Resp().Header().Status)
            log.Println("Send > err #", s)

  8. Q: How to check if transmitter is bound ? / SMPP implementaion by fiorix
    I want to restrict Send() of message during reconnects. Because if Bind of Tranciever coincide with Submit_SM it causes Bind to fail -- SMSC does not answer on Bind.

      A: Solution:
      conn_st_ch := c.tx.Bind()
      go func() {
          for {
              select {
              case conn_st := <-conn_st_ch:
                  c.bound = conn_st.Status() == smpp.Connected
                  log.Println("bound>", c.bound, c.id)

      Note: It works because of the non-blocking nature of signal sent from client::notify
    1. Q: What software I can use for Tests / Debug / Simulation of SMPP gateway ?

      I recommend ActiveXPerts SMPP simulator. However it doesn't work under wine.
    2. Q: How to parse short message from deliver_sm_resp

      A: for JavaScript
      var re_key = /(\w+(\s\w+)?)/
      var re_val = /(\w+|[0-9a-f]+|null|\-)|(\s+|$)/
      // examples:
      //id:327 sub:001 dlvrd:001 submit date:1506272148 done date:1506272148 stat:DELIVRD err:null text:-'
      //id:c449ab9744f47b6af1879e49e75e4f40 sub:001 dlvrd:0 submit date:0610191018 done date:0610191018 stat:ACCEPTD err:0 text:This is an Acti
      //id:7220bb6bd0be98fa628de66590f80070 sub:001 dlvrd:1 submit date:0610190851 done date:0610190951 stat:DELIVRD err:0 text:This is an Acti
      //id:b756c4f97aa2e1e67377dffc5e2f7d9b sub:001 dlvrd:0 submit date:0610191211 done date:0610191211 stat:REJECTD err:1 text:This is an Acti
      //id:bd778cd76ae9e79da2ddc8188c68f8c1 sub:001 dlvrd:0 submit date:0610191533 done date:0610191539 stat:UNDELIV err:1 text:This is an Acti
      //Field  Meaning
      //id  The message reference of the message.
      //    sub  Sub-ID, not used.
      //    dlvrd  Value '1' when the message has been delivered, if the message is still pending '0'.
      //    submit date  Submission date and time.
      //    done date  Date and time the status has changed, or message delivery time when stat is set to 'DELIVRD'.
      //    stat  Current status of the message.
      //    err  Additional error code, provider specific.
      //    text  Part of the original message text.
      module.exports.short_msg_parse = function(msg) {
          obj = {};
          var s = msg//.toLowerCase();
          for (;;) {
              var i = s.indexOf(':');
              if (i <= 0) break;
              var f = s.slice(0, i);
              if (k = f.match( re_key )) {
                  var key = k[1];
                  s = s.slice(i + 1);
                  if (v = s.match( re_val )) {
                      i = v[0].length;
                      s = s.slice(i);
                      obj[key] = v[1];
                  } else
              } else
          // TODO: validate field names
      FIELDS = [ 'id', 'sub', 'dlvrd', 'submit date', 'done date', 'stat', 'err', 'text' ]; return obj; }

    3. Q: How to parse done date in short message from deliver_sm_resp

      A: for JavaScript
      // possible date formats:
      // yyMMddHHmm
      // yyMMddHHmmss
      // yyyyMMddHHmmss
      module.exports.smppDate_toLocalDate = function (str) {
          var _size = Math.ceil(str.length / 2),
              _ret  = new Array(_size),
          for (var _i=0; _i<_size; _i++) {
              _offset = _i * 2;
              _ret[_i] = Number(str.substring(_offset, _offset + 2));
          _ret[0] += 2000;
          _ret[1] -= 1;
          return utils.applyToConstructor(Date, _ret);

    4. Q: What routing restrictions do countries have ?

      USA -- Please use E.164 format, as 14087525280 , additionally apart from the fact that the number appears to be a landline, for USA traffic you need to follow the guidance in this article. To summarise for USA traffic: * For P2P traffic you will need to use a Nexmo virtual number as sender. * For A2P traffic you will need to use either a Short Code or a Toll Free number/


      France -- When sending to France with alpha sender IDs you must include within the message "STOP SMS AU 36184".

    External links

    1 комментарий:

    1. Hi, There is no specialized learning needed for working on SMPP Software connectivity. There are many popular bulk SMS service providers that make use of this server or software programme for increasing their revenues.
